Ticket Prices
Prices of individual tickets
1450 CZK,1050 CZK, 800 CZK, 500 CZK, 300 CZK
reduced admission:
1160 CZK, 840 CZK, 640 CZK, 400 CZK, 240 CZK
Reduced admission (20%)
Children under 15, students, seniors (60 years and older), holders of ZTP and ZTP/P cards
Discounts are not cumulative.
Quantity discount
20% discount when buying tickets for three or more concerts of the cycle at once (available at the Rudolfinum box office)
Prices of individual tickets
450 CZK, 350 CZK, 250 CZK
reduced admission:
360 CZK, 280 CZK, 200 CZK
Reduced admission (20%)
Children under 15, students, seniors (60 years and older), holders of ZTP and ZTP/P cards
Discounts are not cumulative.
Prices of individual tickets
25 EUR
reduced admission: 20 EUR
Subscription (20% discount)
115 EUR
reduced admission: 95 EUR
Reduced admission (20%)
Students, seniors, unemployed, disabled, Bundesfreiwilligendienst.
Discounts are not cumulative.

ABO A (6 concerts) 6100, 4400, 3300, 2100, 1250 CZK
ABO B (3 concerts – Autumn 2024) 3050, 2200, 1650, 1050, 630 CZK
ABO C (3 concerts – Spring 2025) 3050, 2200, 1650, 1050, 630 CZK
Subscription tickets sale begins on 16 April 2024
Subscription for the spring season
1260 Kč, 970 Kč, 720 Kč
Subscription for the autumn season
1260 Kč, 970 Kč, 720 Kč

Gift Vouchers
Delight your loved ones with a gift voucher. You can choose from vouchers in the value of 500, 800, 1050, 1450 CZK or these vouchers with discount 20%. You can buy it in the office at Mánesova 53, Prague 2, or contact us and we will send you a gift voucher.
Contact: pr@collegium1704.com

Where and How to Buy Tickets and Subscriptions
- At the Collegium 1704 office at Mánesova 53, Prague 2, by prior arrangement by phone +420 234 697 959 or by e-mail info@collegium1704.com. Payment is only possible in cash.
- Online via this web portal or via Colosseum Ticket.
- At Colosseum Ticket sale points.
- At the box office of the Czech Philharmonic at the Rudolfinum.
- Sales online through this website, through the GoOut portal or at the Collegium 1704 office.
- Online through this website or through the Reservix portal
- At the box office in Annenkirche an hour before the concert.
- More information and ticket reservations by e-mail ben@collegium1704.com or by telephone +49 1777 596 596.