Combine your art with ours
Dear friends,
The world of music is not only its creators, or musicians on stage, or singers on the opera stage. Equally important companions of the Euterpé muse are those who sit in the audience and to whom the music is to bring joy and exaltation. The feeling of belonging to the audience is then the best reward for musicians and a confirmation of the meaningfulness of their efforts. There are countless examples in the history of music where an enthusiastic listener became a co-advocate and initiator of that wonderful event on stage, which he was used to watching only from the other side. Thanks to the initiative of music-loving patrons such as the Marquis of Ruspoli, Baron van Swieten and, in recent history, Paul Sacher, immortal works have been created and performed that will forever be among the most valuable European musical cultures have created.
However, you do not have to be an awning or a baron to become a necessary part of our efforts. So accept our invitation on a journey to share the beauties of music together and make our dreams come true!
Václav Luks
artistic director of Collegium 1704
Collegium 1704 thanks all its patrons!
Corporate Patronage Club
Auto Veleslavín Car, s.r.o.
Dyzajn market
IMCG, s.r.o.
IMESTA spol. s r.o.
KroMo Brandýs s.r.o.
NUTRIN s.r.o.
Osteocentrum Brno, s. r. o.
Pianotéka s.r.o.
Trojan, Doleček a partneři, advokátní kancelář s.r.o.
Vázání květin od Špačků
deLux Circle
Milada & Eduard Kučera
Marie Veronika Winklerová
Passion Circle
Iveta & Alexander Brányik
Taťjana Langášková
Andrea & František Vyskočil
Vision Circle
Ivo & Blythe Hříbek-Liebgott
Helmut Krause
Elisabeth Stingelin
Stanislava Stuchlá
Miroslava & František Špaček
Tichý family
Tomáš Turek
Oldřich Th. Uttendorfský
Inspiration Circle
Jan Balhar
Dirk & Christine Brandenburger
Monica Bubna-Litic
René Burggraaf & Renzo Snippe
Bernhard Deflorian
Václav Eis
Jiří & Linda Fencl
Štěpán Filipec
Christoph Grieger
Pavel & Pavlína Kim Truxa
Luděk Kos & Michaela Langová
Barbora Krejčí
Jaroslav Thierry Kříž
Světlana & Celestin Mrázek
Gudrun Nützenadel
Ivana & Tomáš Podivínský
Inge & Michael Rahn
Jana & Vladimír Sochor
Vladimír Teplý
Jiřina Trnková
Walter-Reinhold Uhlig
Marek Zindulka
Creativity Circle
Ota & Věra Batelka
Jitka Bradáčová
Jan Bukovský
Lucie Francová
Václava Gutová
Martina & Libor Havlovi
Michal Heldenburg
Eva Honsová
Josef Horst
Pavla Hroudová
Tomáš & Jana Chráskovi
Jana & Roman Johanides
Dorit & Johannes Koderisch
Hana & Jiří Kozelka
Martin Křížek
Vlastimil Kůs
Wilfried Liebich
Martin Mareček
Zorka Martínková
Christine & Wolfhart Müller
Luboš Němeček
Katharina & Matthias Ressel
Iva & Harold Rosariovi
Maryleen Schiltkamp
Adriana & Zdeněk Skála
Michal Škvařil
Věra Štěpánková
Kateřina Tušlová
Ondřej Vozár
Trust Circle
Hildegard & Willi Amort
Naděžda Boušková
Josef Bucek
Barbora Bukovinská
Ondřej & Alena Černil
Sergej & David Děnisov
Pavel Drtina
Zdena Dvořáková
Christoph Fink
Marie & Václav Filip
Jochen Hagen
Annett Hildebrand
Jiří Hlaváč
Therese Hostettler
Dalibor Hřebíček
Eduard Hulicius
Blanka Janatová
Undine & Albrecht Kleine
Jens Klier
Jan Kocek
Eva Kohutová
Ondřej Králík
Milena Lesná
Markéta & Ladislav Lindovi
Karel Melzmuf
Donald Pratt
Šimon Pumr
Eva Rejchrtová
Oldřiška Rysová
Reinhard Schütz
Julia Schweimer
Alena & Michael Svobodovi
Dobromila Švecová
Adam Štefunko
Jaroslava Tyllerová
Jakub Vandělík
Romana Veselá
Kristina Volná
Anna M. & Ulrich Wobus
Ondřej Zelenka
Solidarity Circle
Amanda Bankier
Miroslav Bárta
Václav Bartoš
Michaela Čaňková
Vladimír Čeřovský
Pavel Drtina
Marie Exnerová
Renata Fousková
Ondřej Jareš
Alexandr Kadavý
Christian Kapeller
Lucie Mühlpachrová
Kamila Panešová
Markus Paul
Lukáš Prokop
Martina Renková
Nauta Ruurd
Katrin Schmidt
Jiří Seiner
Pavel Štorch
Anonymous Patrons 39