Abramo ed Isacco
Abramo ed Isacco is Josef Mysliveček‘s final oratorio and represents one of the highlights of his entire body of work. It was premiered in Florece in 1776 and was performed the following year at the court of the Elector Maximilian III in Munich. It quickly spread throughout Europe and became one of the most performed oratorios of the second half of the 18th century. The piece demands exceptional vocal virtuosity and showcases the qualities of the singing stars for whom Mysliveček composed his dramatic works.
J. Mysliveček
Abramo ed Isacco
Michele Angelini (Abramo) — tenor
Kateryna Kasper (Isacco) — soprano
Paula Murrihy (Sara) — mezzosoprano
Julie Roset (Angelo) — soprano
Matthias Winckhler (Gamari) — bass
Václav Luks — conductor
Collegium 1704
Collegium Vocale 1704
Annenkirche, Annenstraße 23, 01067 Dresden, GermanyDirections
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